Our Story

About Replisense AI (pvt) ltd

Market leader like business, is better with multiple partners.

Our Story

Founded in December, 2022 by Robert Selemani, Ngwaru and Anesu Munodawafa, Replisense AI emerged from the recognition that many organisations struggle with the effective dissemination and utilisation of SOPs. The result? Inefficiencies, errors, and compliance issues. Determined to address this, we set out to create a revolutionary Artificial Intelligence base platform featuring an intelligent Chat Bot trained on individual company SOPs. The Chatbot provides concise answers to staff questions basing the responses on the Company’s SOP.

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. 

Our Mission

At Replisense AI (pvt) ltd, our mission is clear: revolutionise workplace efficiency. We envision a future where company personnel have expert guidance from Artificial Intelligence based Chatbot fostering increased productivity, compliance to quality standards, and an informed workforce.

Our Team

Dr. Ngwaru Munodawafa

Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Ngwaru Munodawafa is a seasoned Medical Doctor with a wealth of experience spanning over a decade in the healthcare sector. Throughout his career, Dr. Munodawafa has demonstrated a strong commitment to quality and compliance standards, consistently striving to enhance patient care and outcomes.

With a background in managing health facilities and leading teams dedicated to delivering high-impact interventions to vulnerable segments of society, Dr. Munodawafa has primarily focused on HIV prevention, care, and treatment initiatives. His efforts have been instrumental in implementing innovative strategies to ensure the delivery of quality healthcare services, leveraging technology to optimize patient care processes.Read More….

Anesu Munodawafa

Co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer

Anesu Munodawafa is a seasoned marketing professional with a diverse background spanning the realms of education, sports, and social advocacy. Currently serving as the Chief Marketing Officer for Replisense AI, Anesu brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table.

With a solid foundation in the education sector, Anesu’s journey in marketing began with his passion for empowering learners through innovative technologies. His tenure in various educational institutions honed his understanding of the evolving needs of students and educators alike, laying the groundwork for his future endeavors..Read More….

Robert Selemani

Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer

Robert Selemani is a passionate AI and Data Scientist, a Researcher with a proven track record of groundbreaking research and development in the field. Driven by his entrepreneurial spirit, he co-founded Replisense AI, a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) company dedicated to revolutionising workflow efficiency with powerful AI-powered tools.

As a CTO, Robert spearheads product development, leveraging his expertise in cutting-edge AI technologies to empower organisations with streamlined and efficient workflows. He envisions Replisense AI transforming the way organisations leverage data-driven insights to achieve their goals..Read More….